This year's Super Bowl was just that - SUPER!! Rod and I were cheering for the New Orlean's Saints and we weren't disappointed. Drew Brees, in the photo above, was voted MVP after the game. He was outstanding as was the whole team. The Colts were favored to win. They featured the renowned and talented quarterback Peyton Manning, who ironically is a N.O. native. Besides the action of the game (with my darling husband explaining EVERY detail while serving up delicious snacks - he's the BEST!!) we loved the shots of Drew after the game. He was smiling, teary eyed and holding his baby boy who occasionally got his little cheek kissed by his tired but happy dad. The team coach was doused with the Gott filled with some kind of liquid. Hope it was sugar free. We are happy for the good folks in Louisiana, especially those in Na'wlins. Who dat?? The Saints dats who! Bye y'all! XOXO
Day be da winners! We were a house divided. Scott cheered the Saints on and I the Colts. Although, I predicted before the game started that I would cheer for the Colts even though the Saints would win. I hate being right.
Sue, you CHEERED for the Colts!!!??? What happened to your fine southern sensibilities??? Go Scott! (Nick too, he told me) Who dat! Go mardi gras!
Upstairs we were cheering for the Saints while those who live in the basement(AND A DATE) are quite smitten with Mr Payton and were cheering on the Colts! We also were a house divided!
In my squeeky Voice they could hear my excited 'Who Dat' everytime the Saints did ANYTHING outstanding! (Besides it was Sunday-The Saints had to win!:)
I hear that darling husband of yours sounds alot like me. I hope he is back on his feet really soon.
Lots of Love!
Dear Beth, good to hear from you! My family was divided somewhat in team loyalties. Truth: my darling husband has been too sick with the 'crud' (what a word!!) to delight me with his fabulous cuisine during the game. He was too drippy, etc., to go to church so I came home to lucious fried chicken tenders and homemade fries. Yum. You and Rodney sound like twins with your sqweaky little voices! Get well soon missy. Tomorrow is the surgery on his other eye so keep him in your prayers. I will be waiting on him hand and foot. He's quite spoiled :). Love you!
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