Friday, February 12, 2010

My Valentine

You are the gold
in my heart,
tempered, shaped
to fit perfectly,
to be a part
of my soul.
You are the shine
in my life.
A guiding star
within my being
illuminating me as wife,
now, forever.
You are my glow
that others see,
translucent visage.
You are
my blessed revelry,
my life's refuge;
my love.
Linda Harper Jenks
14 February 2010

This year Valentine's Day is incredibly special. I have the greatest of gifts, a true love, a soulmate, my true companion. I could never imagine a life so wonderful! I could never imagine (in my wildest dreams) of being loved so much. So, a very public thank you to my wonderful Rodney, I love you with all of my heart. I always will, Linda
Our Song 'I've Dreamed of You' by Barbra Streisand
I've dreamed of you
always feeling you were there.
And all my life
I have searched for you everywhere.
I caught your smile in the morning sun
I heard your whisper on the breeze at night.
I prayed one day
that your arms would hold me tight.
And just when I
thought love had passed me by
we met.
That first look in your eyes I can't forget.
You melted me with your tender touch,
I felt all fear and sorrow slip away.
And here we stand
hand in hand
this blessed day.
I promise you
as I give to you my heart
That nothing in this world
shall keep us apart.
Come happily ever after be
the man I'll love 'til the very end.
I've dreamed of you
my great love and my best friend.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Who Dat!!

This year's Super Bowl was just that - SUPER!! Rod and I were cheering for the New Orlean's Saints and we weren't disappointed. Drew Brees, in the photo above, was voted MVP after the game. He was outstanding as was the whole team. The Colts were favored to win. They featured the renowned and talented quarterback Peyton Manning, who ironically is a N.O. native. Besides the action of the game (with my darling husband explaining EVERY detail while serving up delicious snacks - he's the BEST!!) we loved the shots of Drew after the game. He was smiling, teary eyed and holding his baby boy who occasionally got his little cheek kissed by his tired but happy dad. The team coach was doused with the Gott filled with some kind of liquid. Hope it was sugar free. We are happy for the good folks in Louisiana, especially those in Na'wlins. Who dat?? The Saints dats who! Bye y'all! XOXO